scil v-Parvo

scil v-Parvo

scil v-Parvo Rapid Test works with fecal samples of dog and cats to detect parvovirus antigen (CPV2a, 2b, 2c, as well as CPV2 and FPV), an agent leading to gastroenteritis with sometimes fatal outcome. The test shows a high sensitivity and specificity to detect the parvovirus antigens and provides results rapidly within 10 minutes.

Product description


Long shelf-life of 18-24 month, storage at room temperature and easy test procedure make the scil Rapid Test a very useful and efficient tool in your daily practice.

Easy test procedure for fecal sample

The standardized test procedure allows clean handling of the fecal sample and rapid result examination. 


Results of scil Rapid Tests are distinct and secure. The test has been carefully validated and shows an excellent sensitivity and specificity.