scil v-RetroFel

scil v-RetroFel

This worldwide unique assay is able to identify every cat which came in contact with Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) as it does not only evaluate  FeLV p27 antigen (AG), which is present in cats with regressive and progressive infection, but also antibodies (AB) against FeLV. Antibodies are built when the cat’s immune systems gets in contact with FeLV. Therefore, additionally, focal infections (also known as latently, or atypical infection) as well as abortive infections can be recognized, enabling accurate identification and monitoring of every FeLV infected cat.

Coinfections of FeLV and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) can occur. Therefore this triple Rapid Test also detects antibodies against FIV associated proteins p24 and gp41. scil v-RetroFel  uses a highly specific peptide to increases binding affinity of antigens and antibodies in the test system thereby providing excellent sensitivity and specificity for the assay. The clinical pictures of the diseases associated with FeLV and FIV infection vary and depend on virulence of the agent as well as immune status of the patient. Hematologic or lymphatic diseases are common as well as secondary diseases related to suppressed immune system of infected cats.

Product description

Easy test procedure of blood sample

The standardized test procedure allows clean handling of blood sample and rapid result examination. 


Long shelf-life of 24 month, storage at room temperature and easy test procedure make the scil Rapid Test a very useful and efficient tool in your daily practice.


Results of scil Rapid Tests are distinct and secure. The test has been carefully validated and shows an excellent sensitivity and specificity.